January 26, 2011

Personal Emotion Inventory

1. List as many emotions as you can that you have personally experienced.
Happiness, envy, sadness, anger, guilt, fear, excitement, nervous, worry, jealousy, frustration, annoyance, surprised, embarrassment, disappointment, relieved, regret, disgust, distraction, disapproval, and boredom.

2. Describe one experience of strong emotion you can remember from your childhood. How did it affect you?
There was one emotion that I felt very strongly, not during my childhood but just a few years ago - jealousy. I was very jealous of my younger brother and I firmly believed that my mum loved him more than she loved me. This emotion is dangerous to me because I turned into a mean person because of it. I analyzed how my mum treated my brother and me - trying to find any biases to confirm my belief - and constantly complained to my father about how I think my brother is not a good person. I regretted my actions later.

3. How emotional are you?
a. How intensely do you feel emotion (on a scale of 1-10, then describe)? Do you cry or laugh easily?
I think I'm on a scale of 6. The moments when I feel emotion depends; sometimes I feel as if I'm an emotional person but sometimes I feel as if I'm heartless. I cry easily when I'm watching a movie or a video, but sometimes I cannot feel the sadness of being apart from my family or when listening to a friend's sad story. [About my family, I think this is affected by the environment where I grew up in, as showing affections was very uncommon.] I laugh quite easily. When there is something funny, I laugh, unless I didn't understand the joke. ^^

b. Look back at your Myers-Briggs Type Indicator results. What did they suggest about how emotional you are? Do you agree?
According to www.personalitypage.com, "ISTJs are likely to be uncomfortable expressing affection and emotion to others. However, their strong sense of duty and ability to see what needs to be done in any situation usually allows them to overcome their natural reservations, and they are usually quite supportive and caring individuals with the people that they love." I agree very much with what is stated. To many people, I may seem like a person who is very cool (as in cold) but I actually care a lot for those who are very important to me. I may not show my emotions physically, but I show my love through giving them (the people who I care for) what they want and need.

c. Which emotions do you tend to feel more strongly? Are you more susceptible to some emotions and less to  others?
I feel irritation and anger easily. Sometimes concern too, when I'm around people who I love. (It seems like I feel negative emotions more frequently, but I have a tendency to not emphasize on happiness - I don't know why this is so.) I think I am less susceptible to passion - or maybe I'm just susceptible to emotions. I don't feel much, instead I reflect what I'm supposed to feel through actions.

d. How emotional are your immediate family members compared to you?
Now to think of it, I cannot really remember my parents expressing happiness. Laughter, yes, but that was only when something funny happened. My sister is emotional, she feels sadness, happiness, and anger easily (like mood swings) and she shows her emotions. This seems like I'm between my sister and my parents.

e. Has your experience of emotions changed over time?
I think I'm more capable of expressing my emotions now, due to the exposure of how people express emotions more easily at SSIS, but I'm still quite reserved.

4. What physical responses do you have to specific emotions? Give some examples.
When I become annoyed or angry, sometimes I face turns red and I feel hot (my blood pumping and rushing). I might even feel the need to scream out loud, to shout out my disapproval.

5. Can you control your emotions, or do they control you?
My emotions control me. [Sadly, I just realized this :( ] My emotions affect what I do so I try to make myself feel neutral so I can think in a conscious mind.

6. Do negative or positive emotions affect your behavior more?
Negative emotions affect my behavior more. When I feel positive emotions, I acknowledge them for a moment or two and then put them aside. This is because I'm usually in the "finding out what's wrong" mode.

7. Do you make decisions based on emotion or reason?
Although I feel negative emotions quite a lot, when I make decisions, I make them based on reason. Or more accurately, I decide based on the condition that I won't regret it in the future. So I weigh my options and choose the one that is the best. Emotions can come in the way as a distraction, but I try hard to put it away.

8. Do you feign/fake emotional response? Why? When? Is it OK to do this?
Sometimes I do. I feign emotional response to make myself to be in the same emotional level of the person who I'm speaking to because sometimes when the person is feeling happy or sad, I don't really feel anything. I feel happy that the person is happy, but I'm not as happy and sometimes I can't even feign happiness. When the person is feeling sad, I try to put on a sad face to show that I'm sad. I feign responses because I don't want to hurt those people, so I think it is OK to do this, it's as if I'm telling a white lie. I want to be in the same level of emotional state, but I'm not capable of being in the same level.

Source of image: http://www.richlazzara.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/Plutchiks_Wheel_of_Emotions.png

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