March 14, 2011

Quarter 3 Terminology

1 Pathos
The emotional and the imaginative impact of the message on an audience, the power with which the writer's message moves the audience to decision or action.

2 Bathos
Insincere or overly exaggerated pathos, often to the point of being ridiculous. Can be deliberate or unintended.

3 Homeostasis
The state of bodily equilibrium when all of our automated physiological functions are working together. When it's disturbed, we get a gut feeling that something is wrong.

4 Focalism
When thinking about an event, there is only one emotion that draws us toward it and we do not pay attention to other emotions.

5 James-Lange Theory of Emotion
The physical body response that happens before emotion.

6 Canon-Bard Theory of Emotion
After an event happens, we experience the physical body response and emotions at the same time.

7 Somatic Marker
The bodily feeling that influences you one way or another to make a decision for or agsint something. It runs parallel with instinct.

8 Phineas Gage
An American railroad construction foreman now remembered for surviving an accident in which a large iron rod was driven completely through his head, destroying much of his brain's left frontal lobe. And for that injury's reported effects on his personality and behavior.

9 Ekman's Universality of Emotions
No matter where we are, no matter what language we speak, we express through fcacial emotions in the same way.

10 Micro-expressions
Split second expressions that people can't help doing.

11 Primary emotions
Emotions that we feel as a first response to a situation, such as anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, surprise

12 Secondary emotions
Emotions that appear after primary emotions and may be caused directly by them, such as jealousy/envy, compassion, hatred, embarrassment, and moved/touched. Also called social emotions.

13 Background emotions
Also called tertiary emotions. Examples are calm, well being, tension, anticipation, and excitement.

14 Social/Collective emotions
Emotions that are shared by a large number of people in the society. If people have the same intrest, thy have similar emotions toward that interest. For example, racism.

15 Durability Bias
The tendency to over-estimate the impact period of an emotional event. Sometimes our estimation of our feelings toward an event is too much.

16 Impact Bias
Occurs when we over-estimate how strongly we will feel, how long this will last and other factors that impact us.

17 Social contagion
Emotions are infectious or contagious. For example, when I am around people who are happy, I ceome happy too.

18 Stoicism
To seem emotionless or not show any emotion in order to have pure reason

19 Apathy
The state of indifference, or the suppression of emotions.

20 Intuition
The power of attaining knowledge or understanding without evident rational thought and drawing conclusions from available evidence.

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